Air duct cleaning in Oklahoma City doesn’t just get the dust bunnies and allergens out of your ductwork. It’s also an important for your heating and cooling system’s performance. Over time, airborne material gathers like the clogs in your drains, lining and narrowing your ducts. It can even start to add weight if left long enough, and settle in flexible duct bends for additional buildup. Duct cleaning is a careful process, performed every few years or as needed to give your ductwork a fresh start.
Search online for pictures of dirty air ducts. You will see what a mixture of dust, allergens, mold spores, chemicals, grease, moisture, and other materials becomes. Our duct cleaning team takes care of this accumulation in Oklahoma City homes. After only a month, you’ll see what it does to your HVAC air filter. Mechanical dampers inside the ducts can get jammed by buildup. The air-handling fans and motors get coated as well, limiting their ability to stay cool. Careful air duct cleaning removes layers of material, and takes care of accumulations tucked into these important components as well.
As the ductwork narrows, its important static and dynamic pressure characteristics change. This affects HVAC system performance and longevity. Watch for dust blowing from vents at startup, and unbalanced heating and cooling. Allergy problems, and musty odors in your home are potential signs that your ducts need cleaning.
As with all our HVAC services in Oklahoma City, our All Tech Heat & Air team provides efficient and thorough air duct cleaning. Along with maintenance, repairs, and new equipment selection, it’s one of many areas where we not only provide services, but help you keep track of your system’s condition. We’ve been making our customers happy for over 20 years, with all the HVAC services you need under one roof.
Keep our number handy on your refrigerator, share it with friends, and help make your world a bit more comfortable. To reduce the contaminants circulating in your home’s air and improve its breathability, ask about our air quality expertise. Our friendly, professional technicians and customer service specialists are waiting to help you!
Has it been a while since you had an air duct cleaning in Lawton or Oklahoma City, OK? Let All Tech Heat & Air clear your ducts and make a fresh start, call to schedule yours today!